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Billeterie sécurisé

Billets disponibles en ligne ou à la billetterie.

Adultes : 18 ans et plus.  13.99$+tx
Enfants : 5 - 13 ans.  10.99$+tx

Enfants : 14 - 17 ans.  11.99$+tx

Sénior : 65 +  12.99$+tx

Famille :    39.99$+tx

4 ans et moins : Gratuit.

The ticket purchased online guarantees you a seat at the scheduled time, in case of absence your ticket is still valid but will be considered as a purchase on site.

Tickets available online or at the box office.

Excluding special events.
Adults: 18 years and over.  13.99$+tx
Children: 5-12 years old.    10.99$+tx

Children: 13-17 years old.  11.99$+tx

Senior : 65+ 12.99$+tx

Family:  39.99$+tx
Under 5 years old : Free. 

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